After hundreds of hours of reading, study, mistakes, revision, frustration, frantic e-mails to Finale customer support, tears, anguish, despair and suicide attempts, Chris has finally declared the scores finished. Of course, this is not the first time such a declaration has been made, so we should perhaps take it with a pinch of salt, but in a recent phone call that we eavesdropped on thanks to some judicious phone-tapping on our part, Chris was overheard to say this: “Yeah, I know I’ve said it before, but this time I am certain: the scores are finished!” On the other end of the line, Doctor Darkman was overheard to reply, “And after so many years of hard work, they damn well should be!”
Rumors abound, however, that before having these various parts – which include such instruments as oboe, trumpet and sax – recorded, Chris is going to finish working on the guitar parts, which apparently remain in a state of incompletion.